The Pros and Cons of using LED lighting versus Flash for photography. With a modern LED light the Stella Pro CLx8 & CLx10 you get a lot of PROs (with a few cons).

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Video Transcription


hello and welcome to PixelStabbers!  LED

technology has been advancing quite a

bit and with all the advanced LED

technology does it make sense to still

use flash in my photography Jeremy well

there’s a lot of turn tip right now and

it’s been really a fence way now

for example what we have here is delay

emotions cx8 it’s 8,000 bucks it could

pretty much go against the Sun Wow

that’s pretty pretty powerful I don’t

know man I shoot a lot of flash

photography and sometimes I can gang up

more flash and I can shoot against the

side can you really tell me this thing

gets you against the Sun totally well

I’ve watched a lot of YouTube videos I

hear there’s lot of great things about

this light but one of the weakness is

power like I’ve heard they actually have

to get pretty close to this subject to

light them efficiently well in fact they

do but here’s a fact okay number one

point is if you do flash with now with

the camera technology yep they’re all

live use yeah oh you’re here to turn

what you see is what you get yes I love

it I can just look at my screen and I

can see what I take can you say that

with flash you know that’s a good point

yeah well you got me there

yeah so what led is constant light so

really what you see is what you get okay

that is actually good of course with

power in mind if it does deliver the

power I need I think it’s great you know

now that they for the table it’s not

just about technique that’s about image

– yeah

have you seen photographer add a shot

worth of the flash and then tell stopped

your clan say hey hold on let me check

yep or basically the mutually anything

would live you right utilize their set

up one click okay that’s the move on how

cool is that

that’s pretty cool and you know now you

mention it I’m gonna agree with you and

I would say as a videographer myself I

think if I work with a photographer that

has LED light it actually benefits me as

a videographer because I can shoot at 30

frames per second 60 frames per second a

hundred twenty to forty frames per

second slow-mo I can still benefit off

your a lot yeah I’ll show you a pro team

right you have Fatah

and we’d offer at the same team exactly

you could share the light you don’t have

have you seen uh sweet videos that you

have like this bright lights blinking

yeah that’s where the photographer ash

comes in I’m guilty of that when I’m

away photographer – I pretty spray is in

the room i flash the officiant oh they

don’t like you very much just wrapping

up with the power it’s not very powerful

right so in certain situation you have

to be pretty close to your subject for

this light here is a thousand walks but

I believe they came up with a new one

with ten thousand which is even more

powerful more powerful but yet its

strength is definitely not as powerful

as a flash so now you sold me on the

point that what you see is what you get

that’s great and I still I still want to

say power is this weak point but that’s


right how about we fresh wait oh okay

can you try should someone say raining

while they’re dancing and try to capture

I wonder how you do that with flash man

you’re killing me with the waterproof

and refresh rate I think you already

killed me with your refresh rate in

itself like I can shoot against really

really bright sunlight but I still need

a second three fresh or I might burst

out a couple and my flash will overheat

then I’ll need like 10 15 seconds maybe

a minute – you know it’s underwater and

also kind of raining type of photo shoot

in studio if I pop it away now and most

of photography would use constantly

because there’s no refreshing way you

know people underwater they’re raining

and you waiting for your flash to

refresh seriously okay you got me there

when the when the wires pouring and a

bridegroom is wet get wet and my

equipment is getting wet I have less

than nine minutes to get a good shot so

you can rip this out and get this shot

and not even worry about the

waterproofing you win

hey but what about price flash I can get

actually a professional cannon or not

kind of flash for about five hundred

dollars and that’s a top-of-the-line one

I can even get cheaper one if I go

aftermarket but hey I use quality stuff

I spent 500 hours per flash tell me this


less than that it’s not less than that

but if you are hobbyist and also if

you’re pro that’s just for this way you

do jobs you make your money back

you want to bet have your best equipment

and get your job done ASAP okay right

yes why you buy more expensive camera

hey it looks good

there’s also a local school look how Pro

this thing is this morning not for you

to travel yeah but it’s powerful enough

for anything studio to outdoor I mean

where’s the last time you see someone

had used a LED light outdoor go against

the Sun mmm

I believe this is probably the only one

I’ve seen you know there are a couple of

them but they are quite a bit bulky what

comes in mind is the aperture

clb 120 which I had but I have to care a

big v-mount battery hmm and the light is

probably about three times the size a


hey wait where’s the battery in this

thing this is the Valerie right here no

way the batteries built-in yeah it lasts

for 55 minutes in full power holy cow

okay and one of hoof did I mention what

a cool I think yes yes yes yes

waterproof refresh rate what you see is

what you get but I’m still winning you

I’m price flash is a little bit cheaper

and also max power output flash is

stronger but yes you have to refresh

rate over me

so when you say about price yes do it

well there’s an expensive flash to bond

colour-pop photo oh yes yes so when you

come here back to this it makes more

sense okay right yes good you compare

with little speed lights Pillai’s

different but it’s my laptop camera that

is my speed lights a small steel and me

gratis must be like like it’s must be

like this is more powerful than this one

burst yes but if you that’s where I win

you if I if I plan my shot and I get

them tomorrow or the Brian groom to pose

exactly I want that one burst is a

million bucks as Scott Robert would say

right I got it

so he gets to factor in their yet one

you see how small this wing is so you we

need neither umbrella

box to make that up no more hand works

for you while in the wedding carry more

stuff yes yes

secondly your weed over my lot like that

videographers hates this exactly and I

can’t shoot when they have you having

her about this – no matter how waiting

for towers and wedding you or always

fight yes right yeah we should be

friends exactly I think this could be a

friendly product share the light share

the line yeah speaking of which I

realize there’s one thing that you

didn’t mention that actually this would

be good at for photography that’s

shooting shallow depth-of-field in

Brighton yes right because I like to put

any filters on my lens because it looks

cool to put like these sunglasses on the

lens but I have to because when it’s too

bright outside and I want to use the f


I actually I can’t because I’m limiting

my ship my um my 6p well that’s too way

you can do that one is the high speed

sync yeah and also any filters yeah

which if you buy something with high

speed saying you know it’s more

expensive or it would fly more for your

flash – yeah I can track your power

pretty much

hey Joe no that’s probably the ultimate

thing like we don’t really faster I

don’t even use high-speed sync even

though I know it’s there but I turn my

head off to think that’s not an option

because it just a power but with this

basically I could open up my and every

chance wise I want and then just control

with shutter speed right right yeah you

can shoot it one one eight one point

four point nine five nowadays yeah you

know what we should take this one

outside and just play around with it

because I think that’s really cool boy

yes that dynamic of shooting bright

light out there with out with getting

shots at the field without an ND filter

that’s so relieved oh we’re gonna

totally do that

yeah I actually had this I have a

following in WPP I just last month and

who I have a follower people been

playing with this yeah I have people

just shooting what the iPhone next to me

and still get an amazing image

well that’s true cuz once you set up

everything the Lighting’s all doubted an

iPhone is already a great camera but if

it if it if everything’s lit perfectly

and iPhone

great photos wants to sleep properly

with LED so there’s one caveat with that

right so if I’m a wedding photographer

and I am I like to have exclusive photos

that the guests can’t have okay it does

sound selfish but yeah you’re selfish

I’m sorry but one advantage I have and

it’s it’s a downhill battle but you know

if I use this and you light up the Brian

groom or the bride party perfectly

anyone can get shot and they’ll post it

on the day of and if I took time to edit

my photos as any photographer will tell

you at least two weeks maybe four weeks

out by the time I deliver it the

bridegroom already got the shot with

iPhone that looks great because I like

like this getting the perfect exposure

you just oh what a can of worms there my

friend ah yes one for once you share the

life second is the lighting is not all

about photography so yeah it’s all about

posing and also decisive moment as well

yeah those two things that your your

clients guests might not able to do

because they’re not professional like

you are yeah you know when to click a

shoulder you know how to pose the

subject well they get the free posing

right yeah but they don’t get angle you

know how sometimes when you should low

yeah you got double chin fast you gotta

shoot that white and go I got that press

on loop okay good point

I lost that battle I’ll share the light

I think there’s a lot of benefits with

this light I think you hit on a lot of

good points what you see is what you get

the refresh rate the waterproof the size

the built-in battery yeah I’m a strand

learning curve you don’t have to learn

it well that’s what you see what you see

is what you get right yeah I mean like

with flash you gotta know you’re steady

because you can’t just test no test

look no too bright no too hot too shot

you can’t yeah test along it as a pro

and you know Scott Robert used to give

me there’s a card of like the index of

how much flash power but it depends on

how close it is to the subject

and where’s position and your your

camera setting to so you do

to test a lot so I’m proud of it that I

learned how to use a flash and know how

dialed in and get it right within maybe

three three tries well yes it has its

own lead there’s a flash and constant

light right we just have to choose that

weapon for our bottle right depends on

where who are we fighting yeah so again

you got all those pros going for you the

negatives I would say it’s the powers a

little bit limited it’s a little bit

more pricey I think one thing I like

about that constantly is that because

it’s so easy to use it’s been last time

to set up it is it is when you shouldn’t

work if you’re doing pro pro model they

wait for you yeah but you shouldn’t

wedding engage with the client don’t

know what you’re doing yes you have done

time that time you’re not talking stop

your lighting yes they’re just standing

there like exactly these credibility you

need to add light not at light you need

to let them know that you can’t doing

something and speed it up yes yeah okay

custom yeah well she with flash the one

thing that I get out of satisfaction and

bring about my credibility is I’ll set

it up I’ll take five ten shots inside

getting right and then I’ll flip the

screen around say check that out and

I’ll get the Wow right that’s nice

satisfaction that’s my credibility but

again if you have this you don’t need

that because you can just dial it in you

see what you know you get what you see I

got someone actually told me that well

that’s why I needed but proud to be a

photographer but to be honest everybody

start somewhere right

you start somewhere and then you haven’t

heard of her fake it till you make it

yeah you fake it with this well you make

it with this [ __ ] that’s why you don’t

need to really fake it you just set up

and shoot but again you got to be a lot

close to your subject because the power

is limited especially in bright Sun and

it’s a little bit classy but let’s take

it out that’s always right give it a try

their family I mean there’s a lot of

pros and we already went over the pros

and cons many times I think it’s always

the right tool for the right case and

this is a tool that I would like to have

in my toolbox it’s just nice to have

it’s nice to have flash it’s nice to

have constant light mm-hm so where can

we get one of these well if you like

this product all you want to check it

out check out the link below they may be

and coupon code for you for getting


Oh sounds good well we’re gonna check

out this light a real-live shoot and

we’ll post it so make sure you guys

follow us for that video and force if

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what we are and until next time until

next time see ya

